Ck2 you are threatening
Ck2 you are threatening

They then collected the antibodies the animals produced. injected mice with spike protein from a SARS virus taken from a human patient infected in early 2003. study, Gary Nabel of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. “A jab against one strain might worsen infection with others…. Check out this clip from a 2005 research paper: Scientists have known this for a long time. Simply put, they can make you sicker or kill you. In other words, vaccine-generated antibodies can switch-sides and increase the severity of the illness. Question– I’m not sure what that means? Do you mean that the vaccine DOES provide some limited protection from the original (Wuhan) virus, but does not necessarily provide protection from the variants?Īnswer– That’s right, but it’s a bit more complicated than that because– as the virus changes - the antibodies that helped to fight the original virus can actually enhance the “infectivity” of the variant. Yes, the experiments on mice showed that a low dose of the vaccine induces a robust antibody response to the infection.īut, no, the antibodies were not able to attack the spike protein from a different strain of the virus. Question– Were the animal trials successful? Question– Have the mRNA vaccines been tested on animals? “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12 An immediate halt to the vaccination programme is required while an independent safety analysis is undertaken to investigate the full extent of the harms, which the UK Yellow Card data suggest includes thromboembolism, multi-system inflammatory disease, immune suppression, autoimmunity and anaphylaxis, as well as Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE).” Tess Lawrie, Evidence-Based Medicine Consultancy “It is now apparent that these products in the blood stream are toxic to humans.

Ck2 you are threatening